The DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Service) perspective of ADT-Plug-in is the best way of debugging the android application. Open your eclipse as DDMS perspective through window -> Open perspective -> others and choose DDMS view.
Basically the DDMS features are divided into five major functional areas.
1. File management
2. Logging
3. Screen captures
4. Task management
5. Emulator interaction
File management:
You can able to see your android file systems through file explorer present in DDMS perspective. See the below screen shot.
View Log information:
You can able to your log information through “LogCat” view. The LogCat view displays the error, warring, debug related information. See the below screen shot.
The “android.util.Log” class has some useful methods for logging our custom messages. See the following methods and corresponding purpose,
1. Log.e() – Logs error messages
2. Log.i() - Logs information messages
3. Log.w() – Logs warning messages
4. Log.d() – Logs debug messages
5. Log.v() – Logs verbose messages
Basically the log functionality reduces the application performance, so use the log functionalities only at development time. Before upload the apk file into android market, don’t forgot to removes the all log related code from your application.
Screen capture:
Using this feature, you can able to take the screen shot of the current emulator or handset. Do the following steps.
1. Run the emulator and launch the some application.
2 Open the eclipse as DDMS perspective.
3.Click the captured icon, See the below screen shot.
After that one new window will launch and it will take the screen shot of the currently opened window, finally it will allow you to save the image into local file system.
Emulator Interaction:
Using this feature, you can able to send some dummy messages to emulator or you can able to call using some dummy number.
For sending message, enter some dummy number then choose “SMS” option and then enter your message finally click “send” button.
Now go to your emulator and open the inbox. The message will be there in your inbox.
For making call, enter some dummy number then choose “Voice” option finally click “call” button.
Now see your emulator.
1. File management
2. Logging
3. Screen captures
4. Task management
5. Emulator interaction
File management:
You can able to see your android file systems through file explorer present in DDMS perspective. See the below screen shot.
View Log information:
You can able to your log information through “LogCat” view. The LogCat view displays the error, warring, debug related information. See the below screen shot.
The “android.util.Log” class has some useful methods for logging our custom messages. See the following methods and corresponding purpose,
1. Log.e() – Logs error messages
2. Log.i() - Logs information messages
3. Log.w() – Logs warning messages
4. Log.d() – Logs debug messages
5. Log.v() – Logs verbose messages
Basically the log functionality reduces the application performance, so use the log functionalities only at development time. Before upload the apk file into android market, don’t forgot to removes the all log related code from your application.
Screen capture:
Using this feature, you can able to take the screen shot of the current emulator or handset. Do the following steps.
1. Run the emulator and launch the some application.
2 Open the eclipse as DDMS perspective.
3.Click the captured icon, See the below screen shot.
After that one new window will launch and it will take the screen shot of the currently opened window, finally it will allow you to save the image into local file system.
Emulator Interaction:
Using this feature, you can able to send some dummy messages to emulator or you can able to call using some dummy number.
For sending message, enter some dummy number then choose “SMS” option and then enter your message finally click “send” button.
Now go to your emulator and open the inbox. The message will be there in your inbox.
For making call, enter some dummy number then choose “Voice” option finally click “call” button.
Now see your emulator.